Golden Catch Bionic Feeder is a spinning reel which is designed to become a reliable assistant for feeder fishing.
Body of reel
The body of the reel is made of durable yet lightweight carbon fiber. It has increased rigidity and excellent resistance to deformation under heavy load.
The large main pair is designed for continuous operation under high loads, which allows the Bionic Feeder to be used with the heaviest feeders.
The reel has 4 ball bearings, which, due to the correct arrangement, evenly distribute the load on the mechanism and increase its operating life.
The reel has 4 ball bearings, which, due to the correct arrangement, evenly distribute the load on the mechanism and increase its operating life.
The low profile aluminum spool eliminates or minimizes the use of backing under the main line or line.
Type of models
Bionic Feeders are available in three sizes 4000, 5000 and 6000. Models 4000 and 5000 are suitable for classic feeder, while 6000 can already be successfully used in flat feeder carp fishing.